Character Reference Letter Examples

   Character Reference For Criminal Mitigating Circumstances

Your Honor:

As you consider the upcoming sentencing of my {relationship}, {Name}, I write to provide some insights regarding mitigating circumstances that I hope will provide context to their actions, as well as demonstrate their potential for rehabilitation and personal growth.

Unfortunately, {tragic childhood circumstance}. I was there when {Name} showed true resilience and {successful development}. Additionally, {positive life and character developments}. Then, they were hit with {additional tragedy/mental health issue/etc.}.

In relation to their crime specifically, I urge you to take into consideration that {mitigating factor such as self-defense}.

{Name} has faced so many challenges, and yet they stand ready to take responsibility for their actions. I have known {Name} for {time period}, and I am certain their remorse is genuine.

If not for {personal struggles and other circumstances}, I am certain that {Name} would not be in this position today. They deserve a chance to prove that they can contribute positively to society.

Once {Name}, is released, I promise you that they will be surrounded by the love and support of family and friends and their community at large. Specifically, {example of community support}. I again urge you to keep all these things in mind when imposing their sentence.


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Index of Character Reference Letter Examples